680 Old Phoenix Road
Eatonton, GA 31024

* Redeemer Academy enters partnership with University of Georgia
* Redeemer equips students with daily foreign language

Redeemer Episcopal Academy is a proud member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools.


Explore the World Summer Learning Camp at Redeemer Episcopal Academy Summer Learning Camp June 9 - August 1

For ages 3-8
8:00 – 3:00 daily (7:30 drop-off)
(With after-camp care available until 5:30)

Our summer learning camp will provide a place for children to learn, explore, and discover while having fun with other children.
Two classes: 3-4 year-olds & 5-8 year-olds

Weekly themes will focus on teaching children about a specific area or aspect of the world. Learning experiences will include basic map and directional skills, as well as active learning exercises that focus on cultural and physical characteristics of distinct regions of the world.

Redeemer Students:      $200 / week ($375 for 2 siblings)
Non-Redeemer Students:       $225 / week

Half-Day 8:00 – 12:00 (for full-summer enrollees only):
$100 / week
Daily: $65

 Call for more information OR
Come by Redeemer Episcopal Academy at 680 Old Phoenix Road to complete a registration form.

* An academic camp taught by certified personnel




Redeemer Episcopal Academy is open to all children
regardless of race, gender, creed, religion or national origin