680 Old Phoenix Road
Eatonton, GA 31024

* Redeemer equips students with daily foreign language
* Redeemer Academy welcomes new leadership
* Local private school offers financial assistance

Redeemer Episcopal Academy is a proud member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about the content posted on the website, or the organization of the educational process, you can write about it in your letter and send it through the contact form. If you want to contact the academy administration or individual employees personally, you need to send an official request, in this process, it is better to use the help of a memo writer online from https://writer-elite.com/memo-paper/ who already has experience in the formation of business memos.

Your Name:

Your Email:


Mail Message:



"We wanted our daughter involved in a school where the foundation was built on faith in God. We wanted her to see her faith work in all environments outside of church and home. Redeemer Academy is a school that is accepting of all people and their faiths and has an Honor Code that holds not only the students responsible, but also the teachers, faculty, board and parents accountable. This Redeemer Academy is an answer to our prayers." - Kristen, 2nd Grade Parent  

Redeemer Episcopal Academy is open to all children
regardless of race, gender, creed, religion or national origin
